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Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:22 am
by Firewa11
Our Club President, Bird, came across a great article about cornering and wanted to pass it along. The article was written by Tony Lewis who owns and operates EuroSport Cycle. We have gotten permision from Tony to reproduce his article.

- Copied From General Discussions -

by Tony Lewis, EuroSport Cycle

In past newsletters, I've written some basic riding tips. In this column I'd like to pass on the single most important piece of sage advice I know about cornering. GO FOR IT! A simple sentence that deserves a thorough explanation. I'm not going to explain all the technical aspects of cornering such as weight transfer, trail braking, apex point, late entry etc. That's too complex for this space and surprisingly not nearly as important.

What matters most is the riders mind set. If you ride you will enter a turn too fast at some point. The adrenalin hits, your grip tightens and your brain is screaming TOO FAST. At this point your survival instinct takes over and you go for the brakes.

I've seen this happen too many times to remember and watched as the bike slid off the road. Every one of these crashes had two things in common: The bike could have made it, and the rider didn't GO FOR IT! I know it sounds simplistic but let's examine the options. If you've come into a turn at what you think is too fast, there are basically two options: straighten it out (run off the road) or go for it. All the factors such as braking, trail braking and late entry are riding techniques not options.

That's not to say that you cannot go for the brakes to slow down as much as possible before the turn. But it still all comes down to deciding it you're going to try to make the turn or not. If you determine you cannot make it, then you've just decided to crash. Think about that. If you don't go for it you are choosing to crash. If you are very lucky there will be a nice soft grassy field in the run off area. If not look back at that turn.

Remember, you go where you look, so stop looking at the tree guard rail or fence you don't want to hit and look through the turn where you want to go ' Now you say "I'm going too fast to make the turn and if I try it I'll crash". This is a matter of perception, what looks too fast to you may be just right for another. Modern motorcycles are incredibly capable machines. They now go far beyond our abilities to ride them so regardless of your perception, the reality is the bike probably can make it. But it won't if you don't go for it. Ok, lets say you're sure the bike won't make it. If you're right and the bike cannot make the turn, then you are going to crash. Now, how do you want to crash? If you have good run off (a grassy field) use it. But, if it is the fence, tree or guardrail option you don't want to ride into these, even if it's just a rough or rocky ditch.

Riding into these upright, on the brakes, means your body is on top of the bike at speed and you will probably be thrown off into the air in front of your bike, possibly the worst type of crash you can have. But, if you go for it and crash you will fall in the best way possible. It's called a low side. It's done by leaning the bike into the turn further and further past the point where the tires can stick. At this point the bike slides out away from you. You will fall about two feet and slide behind the bike slowing much faster than it does By the time you slide to that fence, tree or guard rail, you'll be going much slower than the bike plus you'll be on the ground, not flying through the air so that your fall will be the least dangerous possible. Now: Here's the good part. If you go into that turn leaning the bike further and further, you'll probably never run out of tires. That means you make the turn. No crash. Even better, you don't have to make the judgment call on whether you can make it or not. The best action is the same either way so GO FOR IT!

Keep in mind the bike can lean over until the foot pegs drag and more. Have you ever dragged your foot pegs? Toes of your boots don't count, they stick out like curb feelers. Pull them up on the pegs and keep going. Remember to get off the brakes before entering the turn and get back on the gas just enough to have positive throttle, relax those elbows, lean forward and look through the turn. It's all about riding, not falling. Trust your bike. GO FOR IT!

See you on the road
EuroSport Cycle

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:12 pm
by dshag
Great article on cornering this made me do some more research and i found some pictures that are helpful heres link with pictures

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:46 pm
by Firewa11

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:27 pm
by Bird
I just spent 45 minutes on the before mentioned link reading each of the articles. They are all good and give sound advice. If you get a chance, read them all, not just the one on cornering. :) Thanks, DShag for posting it.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:00 pm
by Bird
Bump ... worth reading@

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:29 pm
by Buzzard Slayer
I completely agree. Tony is a good guy who knows what he is talking about. A number of us have ridden with him on local rides and Eureka Springs. He never fails to impress. He is aggressive, yet controlled. And ensures the group rides at their own pace.

Even though I did not buy a Ducati or Triumph, I bought my BMW K1200S through his shop on consignment. It was a very straightforward transaction. I trust Tony, his wife, and the rest of the staff. If you have a need or interest in high-end motorcycles, please stop by his shop.

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:30 am
by milesmiles
I just wanted everyone to know this post saved me a few days ago and what a great post this is. I was doing some local twisties and came into a right hand turn really hot(for me). It was either run off the road into a big ditch or try and stick it. I went for it leaning much more than i ever have, but everything went great. I held a clean line and the tires actually felt like i had plenty more in them. Now i don't plan on hitting all the turns that hard(anytime soon), but it did give me more confidence in the bike when i need it. Thanks for keeping me on the road!

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:04 am
by DemonDuck
Nice.... I did the same thing a while back and posted on it. I had not seen this post before that but wish I had. I still felt this way and acted accordingly while my brother took the straight up brake and hope for the best approach. Glad you took the corner .... its a great feeling once you get out of the other side isnt it?

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:02 pm
by milesmiles
There was one other time before this i took the straight approach, but how the turn was it wasn't really an option, unless you wanted to crash. When i made it to the other side it was the best feeling in the world of a lot of emotions.

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:10 pm
by Grinner
Congrats!! Sometimes these things happen and for whatever reason you end up entering HOT and the mind starts the "Ooooooooh ssssssssshiiittttttt!!" phase. As long as you keep your focus on the exit and just have faith, it's gonna be a fun ride!

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:16 pm
by DarcShadow
It's very hard to do it some times though. I probably should of done it the last lap of the last session of the last trackday but I just couldn't do it and took a nice little detour to check out the mowing quality at the track. :D

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:20 pm
by DemonDuck
If there where no pics it didnt happen remember? :SideSplittingLaughter:

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:00 pm
by Firewa11
In addition, you're far more likely to walk away, and pick up your bike and ride it home, after a low side because you leaned too far. Try to stand it up and ride it into a ditch, you stand a greater chance of high siding or tumbling with the bike. In fact, out of everyone I've ever known that got injured while riding, it's never been due to a low-side. Just something to keep in mind...

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:02 pm
by El Diabro
man, I should've read this article about a month ago...but I lived and learned greatly so considering the first hand lesson, this just reiterates the lesson to me never to be forgotten.

Glad you made it out the other side Miles.

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:32 pm
by U-Turn
Either go for it, or decide to crash.
It's saved me a couple of times. Too hot going into the corner - no choice really, lean that bit%h over and do it. Drug my pegs a couple of times and rode out the other side. Eyes as big as saucers thinking oh shit. oh shit. oh shit. That was cool....

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:37 pm
by leatherneck
I really enjoyed your post on this subject and plan to go for it when this happens to me. Thank you in advance.

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:18 am
by milesmiles
Bump, for some of the new people on the boards and a good reminder to some of our every day riders

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:35 pm
by 111
This has saved me a few times, and typically is has shown me to trust the bike more. It has also helped me realized the limits are farther than you realize given you have good tires with right pressures etc.

The most notable time "going for it" saved me was through turns 1 and 2 at Texas world speedway. For those that have never been there it has a long fast straight before these turns. I am not sure exactly how fast I was going through the turns, but I was consistently hitting 160+ in the straight before turn 1. I was trying different lines and this particular time came into those turns extremely hot. I KNEW I was going down and was just looking for a good spot. After a few split seconds I was surprised I hadn't dropped it already.At that point something in my mind clicked and said not today I', going for it. I proceeded to lean in a hard as I could and flew through the corner.

Re: Cornering / Go For It!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:50 pm
by NakedDentonite
When in doubt, kiss those mirrors!
I always try to brake to a comfortable speed BEFORE Arriving to the turn and then if I wanna go faster in the turn I'll iust apply the throttle earlier :)