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Lane Splitting

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:22 am
by WillK675
I know lane splitting here in Texas has been an ongoing conversation amongst us riders for way too long. But I found this to be interesting. This is what the DPS's website says about lane splitting.

[quote="Texas DPS"]
Can I ride my motorcycle between cars in traffic?

The law doesn’t specifically say one way or the other, but there are several statutes that may come to bear depending upon the circumstances, i.e. right of way, obligation to drive in a single lane, signal intention, passing with safety, etc. Motorcycles are considered equally as cars regarding traffic laws, so the single lane, signal intention and other statutes in the Transportation Code could come in to play.

The main statute that makes “lane splittingâ€

Re: Lane Splitting

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:54 am
by DarcShadow
WillK675 wrote:Motorcycles are considered equally as cars regarding traffic laws
So does that mean 2 cars can share the same lane? Motorcycles can. Poor wording there.

I did find this interesting:
14. Does Texas have a law regarding handlebar height?
Yes, handlebar height information can be found on the DPS’ website under Vehicle Inspections under 20.25 Steering Item (2) Inspect for and reject if (j) On motorcycles and motor-driven cycles, handlebar grips extend to a height in excess of 15 inches above the saddle level.

Note: This is measured from the lowest part of the seat (saddle) to the highest part of the handlebars (grips).
15 inches from your seat isn't very high. That's going to easily be below your arm pit for most people and I know I've seen countless number of bikes with bars higher then that.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:09 pm
by Blizzard_1708
Just because its a law doesnt mean its enforced.

Re: Lane Splitting

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:29 pm
by WillK675
DarcShadow wrote:15 inches from your seat isn't very high. That's going to easily be below your arm pit for most people and I know I've seen countless number of bikes with bars higher then that.
I wonder if there is any kind of grandfathering to that law. And the only way I see that one being enforced is by not allowing it to pass inspection. I'll ask my friend if that is on their checklist for inspecting bikes.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:32 pm
by Bird
Texas laws for motor vehicles are VERY vague and up to the judge when it comes right down to it. The inspection sticker location and license plate location are good examples.

I challenged one of Burleson's Finest one day when he stopped me and bitched at me for my tucked up plate and inspection sticker on the swing arm. He admitted that it wasn't ILLEGAL, but it would cause me to get pulled over and most of us don't want to give the Leo's a reason to do that. I haven't changed it ... just practiced my speech to the judge just to be ready. :-)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:51 am
by shilka99
After living in California for 5+ years I miss lane splitting SO much. Every time I come to a light with a line of traffic waiting it takes a conscious effort to remind myself that I cant split all the way to the front. I still do it every now and again and remember half way through that I shouldnt be doing it.
I was never a big fan of splitting at speed though, and for obvious reasons. There was an incident in SF recently where a Harley driver was killed while splitting at 50+. Lucky for his passenger she only had major injuries like a broken leg and.
In Australia its not 'legal' to split but cops wont pull you over if you do it safely. For years I used to split past cops on my commute to work every day and would use the shoulder of a 4-lane tollway while traffic was crawling - along with dozens of other bikes. Only time I ever saw a rider getting a ticket was after seeing the same guy ride like a loon time and time again. But of course Aussie traffic laws are insane. Over there you will get a fine for going less than 1mph over the limit. And they love to harrass bike riders. I was once pulled over 11 times in one year and never given a ticket.

One more reason I love living in America. 10 years now, never pulled over despite speeding all the time - along with traffic that is.