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Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:02 am
by Grinner" onclick=";return false;

Have also seen this on other pages as well!

More Govt your reps.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:06 am
by fixxervi6
Grinner wrote:

Have also seen this on other pages as well!

More Govt your reps.
Yes, its our current government making more moves to turn us into China

Vote for Ron Paul

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:54 am
by dufremle
Can anyone say Civil War? It's coming.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:00 am
by dufremle ... -part-too/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:52 am
by fixxervi6
dufremle wrote:Can anyone say Civil War? It's coming.
Not sure it would be a civil war, this isn't people vs people, its people vs government. Probably more like a revolution.

Elections are rigged, they narrow you down to two choices, A, or A, America loses no matter who is voted in and people get the illusion of a free election.

We do not have free market, we haven't had free market, 9/11 was allowed to happen just so the government could remove civil liberties of the people.

America hasn't been "free" in a very long time, we live in an oligarchy for big corporations and central banks, anyone who thinks I'm full of it is blind as to what is going on around them.

The 99% has a right to be angry, they aren't all just jobless lazy slobs, but they are however stupid, they need to be marching over washington not wall-street.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:03 am
by dufremle
Can you say revolution? It's coming.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:50 am
by Rhino
The tinfoil hat is strong in this thread. :HeadScratch:

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:08 am
by fixxervi6
Rhino wrote:The tinfoil hat is strong in this thread. :HeadScratch:
Big brother is always watching

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:30 am
by Rhino
Meh, Big Brother was a work of fiction.

The reality is, we're all way too boring to rate government spying. Except maybe Miles. I'm pretty sure the FBI is watching him. :D

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:32 am
by fixxervi6
Rhino wrote:Meh, Big Brother was a work of fiction.

The reality is, we're all way too boring to rate government spying. Except maybe Miles. I'm pretty sure the FBI is watching him. :D
I didn't say government, I said big brother, and I didn't say they were watching me.

I don't beleive the U.S. government hold the real "power" in this country

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:35 am
by milesmiles
Don't get me all worried now :) Anyways i think bailout has me beat by a longshot!

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:11 pm
by Grinner
shut the web down in the manner at which they are discussing, and it will help to reduce the likelihood of a revolt in the US as seen in other countries last year.
Then how will we tell our dead baby and muffin jokes when someone on here needs a pickmeup?!?!

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:28 pm
by DarcShadow
The only thing that will be shut down is youtube and face book, oh darn! How will we survive!

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:44 pm
by DemonDuck
Look they could not shut down the internet. It would be next to impossible and the economic problems it would create would be huge. Do I think things could be changed a little here and there...... yes. Do I think our system is good ... yes. I have been to several other countries where things may seem better from the outside but they are much worse all in all. The biggest problem we have right now in my mind is we keep trying to be more and more like some of these other countries with healthcare and such. A revolution you say.... that is kinda funny really. We are not a 3rd world country and there are several things that would make that really hard if not impossible. If you think changes are needed get into politics and run for office.... or vote the current people out.... something.

I am not saying there are not good points out there but the thing is I have listened to inmates tell me all kinds of things about what should be done.... how they should not be in jail ect ect and in the mind of these inmates there is nothing wrong with what they did. So many of them want the time given for drugs lessened.... they want the time given for DWI lessened.... after all it isnt like they where hurting anyone. I tell those inmates all the time .... you go ahead and think that all you want ... one day when you get a letter in the mail or a phone call saying a drunk driver just killed your husband and kids that where waiting for you to get out, come back to me and tell me how you feel about it then.

Are there problems with the internet and internet preditors? Yes, but it is just something that we need to have more people watching the internet for and busting. Or even better maybe parents need to know where their kids are and what they are doing. Maybe they should know that their child is on some chat site trying to meet people or whatever. I dont have many answers for the problems we have as a nation so I usually just sit back and listen for the most part and hope that someone has enough sense to know what to do about it..... Till then I will do it the old school way and watch my kids myself. Ok now that I have gone through about 10 topics I will stop talking... lol.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:47 pm
by Bailout
Trsut me if you only knew of everything that is going on it is a spooky spooky world.

One of the things I love are the civil right coins. You can buy them and when traveling leave them in your pocket when you go thru any of the scanners they ask you to remove the item and them politely give them the coin that says civil rights on it and just tell them to keep the change!

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:53 pm
by fixxervi6
Bailout wrote:Trsut me if you only knew of everything that is going on it is a spooky spooky world.

One of the things I love are the civil right coins. You can buy them and when traveling leave them in your pocket when you go thru any of the scanners they ask you to remove the item and them politely give them the coin that says civil rights on it and just tell them to keep the change!
I wouldn't suggest any form of playing around at the airports, TSA doesn't fuck around when it comes to getting money out of you and playing the "I'll hire a lawyer" card will get you no where but broke.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:59 pm
by Bailout
It isn't money, and they have procedures they have to follow. 70% of the people never get the joke. I have civil rights written on my clear plastic bag fully knowing that there is no right to illegal search and seizure on federal property. It is a gag that provides me, a couple of people in the security line, and the occasional TSA person.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:08 pm
by fixxervi6
Bailout wrote:It isn't money, and they have procedures they have to follow. 70% of the people never get the joke. I have civil rights written on my clear plastic bag fully knowing that there is no right to illegal search and seizure on federal property. It is a gag that provides me, a couple of people in the security line, and the occasional TSA person.
You can forget your "rights" when it comes to the TSA, they can do any thing they please and there is little to nothing you can do about it.

If you ever find yourself at the sharp end of a TSA civil suite while your sitting in your high price lawyers fancy office you'll get the full picture of their "power".

Your civil rights and safety mean nothing to them, all that matters is that you pay up.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:51 pm
by Bailout
You do know what i do for a living right?? HAHAHA

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:56 pm
by fixxervi6
Bailout wrote:You do know what i do for a living right?? HAHAHA
You know how I know about the TSA, right?

I beleive your military/ex doing merc/training/security work through private companies contracted to the government? something like that?

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:59 pm
by Bailout
Please tell me how you know about the TSA, every opportunity for me to learn more is a great opportunity.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:54 pm
by fixxervi6
Bailout wrote:Please tell me how you know about the TSA, every opportunity for me to learn more is a great opportunity.
I am a victim of the TSA, and yes, I do mean victim.

I accidently took a loaded weapon into security, yes, it was an accident I had no idea I had it. (most people would be shocked how often it happens, and how often people make it through the screenings)

I have a clean record, a permit to carry, the other people around didn't even know what was going on and they never knew, no one was at risk and there were no "victims" of my crime.

I expected some form of punishment as I did break the law, but the hellish sled ride that came after that has made me take the stance of, --> I am the victim.

I am now thousands of dollars poorer (and will continue to be as its not over), the lawyers and TSA are now thousands of dollars richer, and no one is any safer now then they were when I made the mistake. Grandma and the plane wasn't in any danger to begin with, but people now have more money and thats all that matters.

So when all of that went down my TSA education went into fast foward, since my ass was on the line, my lawyer was quite knowledgable of the entire deal, part of the reason I decided to pay him his massive massive ass fee. Everythign went down exactly as he said it would and that this was quite common.

I can (and will) file a civil case against law enforcement to clear my name, but I cant' touch the TSA because they are "special". I couldn't even attempt to fight the TSA, because they are "special".

Go look up how much money they drag in from fines.

No victims, no scenes, no conviction, nothing, but I still had to pay those fuckers $3,000, and they told me pay up or they will come after me for the full amount of $10,000 and guess what, you'll lose.

I got to sit in jail, with real "criminals" that didn't make a mistake and get thrown in there, these guys were actual, criminals. One of my cell mates tried to assure me that my first night would be the hardest that it gets easier after that, then he instructed me on how to carve my initials in the wall with a straw from a juice box.

I got to lay on a pad for 19 hours on a metal grate that was soaked in urin

I got to report in on a regular basis and make an appearance once a month without the ability to leave the metroplex without at least a 2 weeks advanced notice, waiting for a court date that might never come for up to 1 year.

I got to know the humiliation of being cuffed and lead through a crowd of people and loaded into the back of a car with the lights on for my escort.

I had the joy of being questioned by the police repeatedly to the point of exhaustion while they were looking for something to hook me on (I learned more about this later) justice? no, its bull shit

It's about the money

The way it was explained to me is the TSA doesn't have both feet in the same hole, they aren't quite full fed, private, or local law enforcement they are kind of their own little deal, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

I love the argument that people make that we "need" the TSA. No we don't, that's what the government wants you to beleive, they want you to freely give up your liberties for the name of "safety".

I'm one of those crazy people that believe:
Bush is a war criminal and should be tried for treason.
Anyone who supported the big bailouts should be tried for treason.
I beleive America creates our "terrorism" problem and the war on terror is as futile as the war on drugs. You keep poking a bees nest eventually your going to get stung.
I believe the patriot act should have enraged Americans to the point that they should have marched over washington and ran it into the ground, but alas, all americans care about is cheap gasoline.
I believe that abortion, drugs, gay marrage, and prostitution should be legal. Not because I do these things or like them, simply what gives me the right to tell someone they can't?
I believe you should be able to conceal and open carry without a permit
I don't beleive laws stop people from doing anything, criminals don't care about laws.
I believe the TSA is one symbol of how America is slowly slipping away, and is a direct result of our forign policies.

Normaly people boo me for my views, because, in America free speech is only free when you don't offend anyone or if your going along with the status quo

Now, go vote for Ron Paul!

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:17 pm
by armedandinsain
I have to say I fully agree with fixxer on the way this country is run and I'm going to leave it at that due to me having a job offer from said agency.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:11 pm
by Rhino
Dude, you carried a gun into an airport. Overreaction or not, you're not a victim.

If you can't even remember whether you have a gun on you or not, maybe you shouldn't be carrying guns around.

That's like saying if you get hurt in a motorcycle crash, you're a victim because you forgot you were riding a motorcycle.

Carrying a gun is serious business.

Re: Anyone else benn hearin bout this lately?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:25 pm
by fixxervi6
Rhino wrote:Dude, you carried a gun into an airport. Overreaction or not, you're not a victim.

If you can't even remember whether you have a gun on you or not, maybe you shouldn't be carrying guns around.

That's like saying if you get hurt in a motorcycle crash, you're a victim because you forgot you were riding a motorcycle.

Carrying a gun is serious business.
I didn't have a gun ON my person, that should be a clue as to just how I managed to fuck it up.

The arresting officer said he deals with my story several times A DAY just at DFW airport, the lawyer that is going to handle my "clean up" does hundreds of these a year just from this airport.

Did the punishment fit the crime? not only no, but hell no, like I said, I expected punishment, big fine, removal of CHL etc, I could understand that, but I got a whole lot more than that.

If you want to call me stupid because "how can you just forget" tells me you have obviously not carried, it becomes like your watch, its not something you think about, and yes, even law enforcement officers have gotten nabbed with the same thing that happened to me, I guess they shouldn't be carrying either.

Carrying a gun is serious business? really? thank you cause I had no idea, can you tell me which end is the dangerous end cause I forgots