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Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:29 am
by 2track
Ok I am not sure what I am doin wrong but I guess I don't know how to get to the right achievement page to set up my achievements. Everything is all jacked up & I cant read any of the achievements.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:56 am
by fixxervi6
Click on the achievement link under your name
1.JPG (13.09 KiB) Viewed 5765 times
slick the small icon of the achievement you have, there are levels to some of them, for now you can see the complete listing here:
When you hover the mouse over the small icon it will pop up the small tool tip of the text of what it is
2.JPG (16.49 KiB) Viewed 5765 times
After you click the level you want, when you refresh the page the banner below will be "lit up" with the one you selected
3.JPG (30.17 KiB) Viewed 5765 times
Also keep in mind lots of images are not done yet, I just added like 4 last night.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:01 am
by 2track
Ok, that is where I am clicking but everything is piled up on the left side & I cant make out what they say. I am not sure if I need some sort of reader that my computer doesn't have or something.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:11 am
by fixxervi6
03ninjaman wrote:Ok, that is where I am clicking but everything is piled up on the left side & I cant make out what they say. I am not sure if I need some sort of reader that my computer doesn't have or something.
Are you on a mac by chance? or using Chrome?

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:37 pm
by sckego
Firefox and my mobile browser dont like the achievement page. IE works ok.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:11 pm
by 2track

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:34 pm
by fixxervi6
03ninjaman wrote:Firefox
There's the problem

use IE or yell at darc shadow, or both

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:29 am
by DarcShadow
One of these days I might get around to making it look right on FireFox.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:18 pm
by DarcShadow
What version of FireFox are you using? I just check the achievements page using FireFox 10.0.2 and everything looks as it should.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:36 am
by milesmiles
I was just looking around on the WFO riders website and noticed that they have an Achivement thingy under their name...interesting. I also lke how long you have been with the club achievement

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:15 am
by fixxervi6
milesmiles wrote:I was just looking around on the WFO riders website and noticed that they have an Achivement thingy under their name...interesting. I also lke how long you have been with the club achievement
Looks like there's are more board based.

What are you doing over in someone elses camp anyway!?

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:40 am
by milesmiles
Hey hey, whenever i'm not getting it here i gotta get it somewhere else :)

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:40 pm
by fixxervi6
haha, so this is getting pretty funny, I was looking through some of what people have gotten, and it appears we have no big game hunters among us?? come on slackers! I know where there are some buffalo that are frequenly in the road :D

I gotta hear the stories behind these!
puppy.JPG (36.85 KiB) Viewed 5687 times

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:00 am
by shilka99
I had a yappy little rat dog that lived next door to me wheni lived in Sydney. Usually my neighbor was pretty good at keeping it on a leash but every now and then I'd leave for work and the damn thing had got through the fence and would chase me down the road. I always 'tried' to avoid it but one time the suicidal little idiot got caught under my front wheel at 20+ mph. After he stopped tumbling he just got back on his feet and kept chasing me. Lucky, as I got on well with the owner despite his choice in annoying pets

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:06 am
by fixxervi6
Shaun/RC30FAN wrote:I had a yappy little rat dog that lived next door to me wheni lived in Sydney. Usually my neighbor was pretty good at keeping it on a leash but every now and then I'd leave for work and the damn thing had got through the fence and would chase me down the road. I always 'tried' to avoid it but one time the suicidal little idiot got caught under my front wheel at 20+ mph. After he stopped tumbling he just got back on his feet and kept chasing me. Lucky, as I got on well with the owner despite his choice in annoying pets
Dang man, suprised it lived!

I ran over a german shepperd with my bicycle once, that was an insane experience, it never chased me again, I think it scared the shit out of both of us.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:52 pm
by fireblade
My first dog was like Shauns story but it was my grandmas neighbors dog. It was a little rat mutt of a dog. mean and thought it was bigger that it was and hated motorcycles. I was slowly driving by cause I new the little bastard would try to chase me or run out in front of me. As i turn the corner from my grandmas place, I looked around to see if the devil dog was around, didnt see it. So I decided to do a "spirited" take off and just as I go the rev's up and dump the clutch I see out the corner of my eye the little bastard dart out from under a car. The front wheel just clipped the dog but got the full brunt of the back wheel under hard acceleration. I dont think it survived. I never looked back and didnt see it ever again.

the second dog was a highway encounter. I was on my way back from OKC one night. earier in the weekend I was riding around with a buddy on his first ride EVER! he had no gear of his own and wasnt even riding his own bike. After riding around for a few hour we hit the highway and he managed to put the bike in a ditch on a long sweeper and tore up my riding jacket he was wearing. So a couple days later I head for home with no jacket. it was warm out anyways but night time. I was clicking along down 35 near Ardmore. Going a couple miles an hour faster that the speed limit. paying attention to the road ahead. Being night time I'm using the headlights of the trucks in front of me. I see an object dart on to the highway and get hit buy the truck in front of me. i couldnt see what it was untill it was to late and it came out from under the truck still trying to run away and I hit it in the neck. got in to a bit of a tank slapper and almost ate shit. I had to stop at the next gas station to fill up. as I pulled in to the gas station everyone there was looking at me funny. I though I had shit my pants or something but it was blood driping from my bike, boots and pants. I got gas and went to the big truck side of gas station and got the free water and hosed everything off. it was a truly terrifying moment.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:21 pm
by sckego" onclick=";return false;

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:22 pm
by Bewst
So confused on how to add achievements >.>

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:51 pm
by armedandinsain
fixxervi6 wrote:haha, so this is getting pretty funny, I was looking through some of what people have gotten, and it appears we have no big game hunters among us?? come on slackers! I know where there are some buffalo that are frequenly in the road :D

I gotta hear the stories behind these!
mine was some little white dog that lived near our fire hall it was always in the road. I left one night and was taking the first turn and saw him right as he went under the tire.(thought for sure I was going down but didnt)

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:40 pm
by fixxervi6
So, we don't have ANYONE that has riden to alaska? seriously?

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:57 pm
by shilka99
We need an achievement based on repairs using non-motorcycle related parts. How about the 'McGyver award' for using fencing wire and tractor parts to get moving again?

And how about 'Failure to Launch' for trying to ride off with your chain/padlock/assorted security measures still attached?

Or 'Emergency Ditching' for intentionally crashing a bike?

Not that i've done any these of course...

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:20 pm
by sckego
fixxervi6 wrote:So, we don't have ANYONE that has riden to alaska? seriously?
LOL, dude, do you realize how far away Alaska is? From Dallas to Hyder (which isn't even 'real' alaska) is nearly 3000 miles. When you reach Canada, you're just over halfway there. Plus, that's sticking to the main highways... Try to do it on fun roads like most of us would and you can tack on another 50% to that. Not many people have the time, means, or inclination to take on a ride like that. It's on my to-do list, but who knows when it will actially happen....

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:33 am
by Rhino
Yeah, Alaska is *far*, especially real Alaska.

One day I'd like to try riding from Prudhoe Bay to Key West. It's about 5500 miles on a direct route, or 11,330 miles starting and ending in Ft. Worth. Probably more like 15k+ miles to make the trip interesting. That's a five week trip riding every day, so figure more like 2 months to account for stopping to see things, days off the bike, mechanical issues, etc. It's probably something that could only be done by teachers or retirees.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:02 pm
by fixxervi6
8 more primary acheivements to go, then I'll go back and clean up and redo some of the earlier images.

Image count is up to 415
Shaun/RC30FAN wrote:We need an achievement based on repairs using non-motorcycle related parts. How about the 'McGyver award' for using fencing wire and tractor parts to get moving again?

And how about 'Failure to Launch' for trying to ride off with your chain/padlock/assorted security measures still attached?

Or 'Emergency Ditching' for intentionally crashing a bike?

Not that i've done any these of course...
Some of those are already suggested, trying to get through the main list first :D
sckego wrote: LOL, dude, do you realize how far away Alaska is? From Dallas to Hyder (which isn't even 'real' alaska) is nearly 3000 miles. When you reach Canada, you're just over halfway there. Plus, that's sticking to the main highways... Try to do it on fun roads like most of us would and you can tack on another 50% to that. Not many people have the time, means, or inclination to take on a ride like that. It's on my to-do list, but who knows when it will actially happen....
But it is doable, I'd like to do that one day. I've done 2,160 miles in 4 days on a GSXR, I could do alaksa if I took a couple weeks off work.

Re: Rider Achievements.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:39 am
by Rhino
fixxervi6 wrote:
sckego wrote: LOL, dude, do you realize how far away Alaska is? From Dallas to Hyder (which isn't even 'real' alaska) is nearly 3000 miles. When you reach Canada, you're just over halfway there. Plus, that's sticking to the main highways... Try to do it on fun roads like most of us would and you can tack on another 50% to that. Not many people have the time, means, or inclination to take on a ride like that. It's on my to-do list, but who knows when it will actially happen....
But it is doable, I'd like to do that one day. I've done 2,160 miles in 4 days on a GSXR, I could do alaksa if I took a couple weeks off work.
The problem is, you can't just keep multiplying your daily mileage times days to get the total distance. 500 mile days is good, but do you know how many of them you can do in a row? It starts wearing on you, and eventually you hit a point where it's just not fun anymore and you don't even want to look at your motorcycle.

For me it's 9 days, I've tested it on a 10-day trip. The last day just sucked big donkey balls because I didn't even want to touch the motorcycle, but I had to get home to get back to work. There was no opportunity to take a few days off.

Plus if you have a mechanical, you can end up in real trouble. How many Suzuki dealers are there in Canada?