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Re: Sticks and Stones

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:29 am
by LonestarCBR
DarcShadow wrote:Don't we already have enough laws, why do they keep writing more? We need law removers. The number of outdated and stupid laws on the books id dumb founding. There's a town in Indiana where technically it's illeagle for a black person to be out after 9pm. Naturally it's not enforced, but it is a law.
Ever been to Indiana? Enough said.

Re: Sticks and Stones

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:41 am
by Striple
There are few things that I loathe more than U.S. politics: its an awful system that is run by obviously inept individuals, which are voted in by a largely indoctrinated populous. Even as a non-voting spectator, I find myself wanting to repeatedly shove a rusty nail into my eyeball to distract myself from the cerebral train wreck that produces policy in this country. Unless its presidential election year, of course; then its much worse.

Re: Sticks and Stones

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:46 am
by Rhino
Yeah, I really wish we had the European style, where whatever percent of the vote a party got, that's the percent of Congress they control. If they can't come to a consensus and elect their leaders, everybody is fired and there's another election.

Re: Sticks and Stones

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:03 am
by DemonDuck
Politics and politicians are always going to be messed up. Thier whole job is to lie to you ... screw you as hard as possible and try to make you say thank you for it. Yes the Democrats are making some bad bills and both sides refuse to compromise on anything. Situation reversed it would still be the same I think. The things that bother me the most about the current POTUS are the seemingly intentional decisions to hurt the US in my opinion. Things like releasing the terrorist prisoners to get back a soldier that didnt want to be a citizen anyway (or for anyone really).

Re: Sticks and Stones

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 3:52 am
by Stardog
fixxervi6 wrote:I have a stance I'm not on the fence, but for me it's not as simple as ass or elephant.

I'm pro choice, I'm against minimum wage increase, I'm for gay marriage, on and on, the whole two party system makes me want to hurl, it contributes to the corruption imo
Welcome to the Libertarian party. We have beer.