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Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:07 pm
by JTChiTown
So question for everyone. I work in a big company as you know. And with that, from time to time I run across aforementioned morons.

I have so far employed the 3 strikes rule before tossing them under every big ass bus I can find. They get 1 polite request, and second nice follow up, and a 3rd stern reminder. No response after that, beep beep!

Now I don't just repeat myself 3 times, I rephrase, explain in more detail and justify my request. Miscommunication happens, and I'm usually 50% of it.

My question is, how do yall deal with these individuals?

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:33 pm
by fixxervi6
I usually start looping in their supervisor/boss so they can see what an idiot employee they have.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:45 pm
by JTChiTown
That's after the 3rd rendition. It's usually their direct boss, or their direct manager level boss of they have a supervisor. I usually copy my manager and his boss. If that doesn't get their attention, their director gets a request for assistance.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:57 am
by Envy
After the 3rd time I point out how the lack of inteligence displayed is going to get someone killed. Then I give an exagerated example in the homes they finally get what im saying. Then I avoid them if they still dont. But I work in a warehouse so I dont have to be as pc as most people

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:16 am
by LonestarCBR
Well, I'm going to give you a different, plant manager perspective. I deal with this a lot, and you will find "morons" just about everywhere you go. I find most of them on the highway.

That being said, I personally always take this stuff with a grain of salt. In all honestly, I even consider what motive the person doing all of the complaining might have.

If I've learned anything, it's that there are two sides to every story...and every view point...and I've even gone so far as to have people switch jobs when they complain too much, just to give them a fresh perspective on that person "that does nothing all day". I've found people often just don't see anything but their own value at work. EDIT: I'm not saying this is the case with you...or any of you, just that I run into it.

And with that, it sounds like you're doing what you need to them a chance. One thing you didn't clarify is if these are peers, some level of subordinate, or someone up the ladder above you.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:17 am
by LonestarCBR
Envy wrote:But I work in a warehouse so I dont have to be as pc as most people
I can ever so vaguely remember what it's like to not have to be PC. Ahhh, the good old days.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:33 am
by DarcShadow
The morons I deal with are usually my "customer". And as you know the customer is always right so we usually do what they want only in the end to come around and do what we wanted to do in the first place. Prime example, we had an issue with a aircraft test unit off site. After some phone calls and about 3/4 of a day we decided the problem was not the test unit and likely something on the aircraft itself. We gave them a simple test, swap two boxes that are easily swappable, to confirm or rule out our theory. The customer refused and insisted we send spare parts for the test unit. So we sent some stuff, took a day or so, they put the new stuff in, didn't solve the problem. We told them again to try swapping boxes, they refused and decided to have a second test unit sent in, so another day or two later, they still have the same problem. We're now at a week of the aircraft not flying and they finally swap the boxes we suggested and discover that the problem is in fact the aircraft. Idiots, if you're going to call the subject matter expert and ask for help, why do you then ignore what said subject matter expert tells you?

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:07 am
by JTChiTown
Hahaha yup. Been there with my dealerships..... "try x" "did you try x? No then try x" "still haven't done x? Why not" "x fixed it huh, don't you wish you did that 2 weeks ago?"

For most part the morons I speak with are peer level or lower. Occasionally a Manager/Director but it's rare.

By the time I speak to a customer, it's pretty much guaranteed that their expectations are so far from reality it's comical.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:54 am
by LonestarCBR
DarcShadow wrote:The morons I deal with are usually my "customer". And as you know the customer is always right so we usually do what they want only in the end to come around and do what we wanted to do in the first place. Prime example, we had an issue with a aircraft test unit off site. After some phone calls and about 3/4 of a day we decided the problem was not the test unit and likely something on the aircraft itself. We gave them a simple test, swap two boxes that are easily swappable, to confirm or rule out our theory. The customer refused and insisted we send spare parts for the test unit. So we sent some stuff, took a day or so, they put the new stuff in, didn't solve the problem. We told them again to try swapping boxes, they refused and decided to have a second test unit sent in, so another day or two later, they still have the same problem. We're now at a week of the aircraft not flying and they finally swap the boxes we suggested and discover that the problem is in fact the aircraft. Idiots, if you're going to call the subject matter expert and ask for help, why do you then ignore what said subject matter expert tells you?
Customers are an entirely different can of worms. We build a lot of "custom" product...51% of the time they have no idea what they want, but they wanted it yesterday, and then get pissy when they ordered it wrong.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:04 am
by LonestarCBR
Well, for each scenario, here is my best advice...
JTChiTown wrote:For most part the morons I speak with are peer level or lower.
Bite your tongue.
JTChiTown wrote:Occasionally a Manager/Director but it's rare.
Bite your tongue.
JTChiTown wrote:By the time I speak to a customer, it's pretty much guaranteed that their expectations are so far from reality it's comical.
Bite your tongue.

You also might want to buy a "dammit doll", and be sure your office door is closed when using it.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:02 am
by Polokid69
my current customers range from ones who have pics on the register of what food item looks like to high end hotels with educated staff who have a little computer savy.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:59 am
by stoney812
Polokid69 wrote:my current customers range from ones who have pics on the register of what food item looks like to high end hotels with educated staff who have a little computer savy.
Have you got the pleasure of speaking with Precious from BK yet?

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:52 am
by Polokid69
stoney812 wrote:
Polokid69 wrote:my current customers range from ones who have pics on the register of what food item looks like to high end hotels with educated staff who have a little computer savy.
Have you got the pleasure of speaking with Precious from BK yet?
Lol, yes I have. When she told me her name I'm like wanting to ask her , seriously ?

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:47 pm
by LonestarCBR
Kind of switching gears but staying with the fast food and moron themes, I'm at the JIB in Wylie and pay the young man cashier in cash and the auto-change dispenser gives me my coin change. Then the cashier gives me my coin change.

I give it back to him, and kinda smacks himself on the head and "dang, I did it again". Right about then the manager walks up and hears all of this, says "not again", and commences to chewing on him right ont he spot. In retrospect, I'm guessing she had hit her "three strikes" limit and decided to tell him what she really thought.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:46 am
by DemonDuck
For me it goes about like this. I ask for something to be done. I then tell the person to do whatever it is I need. I explain that it would be best if the person does what I ask. If they still refuse I walk the person to a nice single person room in a very gentle way and while I am walking them to segregation I tell another person to do whatever it was I wanted done.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:50 am
by LonestarCBR
Man, we all long for a job that has limits on having to employ political correctness. I can sorta imagine "explain" and "gentle". :D

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:08 am
by BeautifulDisaster
Depends on the situation. If it's a client, use your best judgement. It's not worth berating a client (no matter how moronic they are) because ultimately you are there to serve that person, make that person happy and be thankful for that paycheck. .

If it's a peer, try to address the issue in a non-confrontational way (don't point fingers, don't blame). Just say it in plain English what you need from this person. If that doesn't solve the issue, step it up; a polite, quick email to your peer (and copy you and your peer's direct supervisor/manager/pencil pusher) briefly summarizing "as per our conversation blah blah blah" and again, say it in plain English what you need. If it happens again, talk to your boss. Not your problem anymore. You can't make a peer do something if you're not the boss but you can tell the person you report to how and why this person is interfering with your ability to get your work done.

If you're the boss, trickier. Cover your ass (let's be honest, poor subordinates make the boss look like a chump; awesome employees make the boss look golden) while making your expectations very clear to the employee. Things you may think are "common sense" unfortunately must be spelled out for most people. Do not assume that everyone works to your same standards. Keep email trails, get HR involved if necessary (even if that means simply asking for advice on dealing with a difficult employee). In the past I kept it simple when I've had to let people go. First time, let it slide, people make mistakes. Second time it happens, verbal warning. Third time, final warning in writing signed by myself, the employee and HR rep or my boss. If it happens again, immediate termination. Sounds harsh but I'm not there to be buddies, I'm there to get my job done. If you are impairing my abilities to get my job done (or the team's job), or, if you try to force any ownership on my behalf for your problem, game over; I don't have time for that I have a job to do. I'm not going to go to bat for someone who makes the mistake of thinking my kindness means I'm stupid.

Always let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. When you say you are going to do something, always follow through. Don't name call, don't lose your temper, be chill. Once you let a bad attitude get in the way you lose a ton of credibility; no matter how crappy the situation.

Good luck :idea:

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 6:45 pm
by Stardog
I stay the hell out of positions where I am over anything other than very low level/disposable morons.

But I also don't have a company car.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:41 am
by LonestarCBR
Stardog84 wrote:I stay the hell out of positions where I am over anything other than very low level/disposable morons.

But I also don't have a company car.
You may be a really smart guy.

And if I've learned anything in the corporate world...we're all very low level and disposable. :)

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:48 am
by JTChiTown
Thanks all. For some clarification, I'm not a "boss" and this person is either similar level or lower. We have employee classifications, but anything between a Manager and an Intern is pretty equal in the firepower department.

It seems most of you follow the progressively aggressive model.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:15 pm
by LonestarCBR
I was just watching part of Super Troopers at lunch. I'm fairly certain you can find some way to effectively deal with the issue in the movie.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:18 pm
by Stardog

Of course I would be far more terrified if that was the only part that wasn't covered.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:40 pm
by JTChiTown
That little guy? Don't worry about that little guy.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:12 pm
by milesmiles
JTChiTown wrote:That little guy? Don't worry about that little guy.

Re: Work Morons

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:01 am
by BeautifulDisaster
JTChiTown wrote:Thanks all. For some clarification, I'm not a "boss" and this person is either similar level or lower. We have employee classifications, but anything between a Manager and an Intern is pretty equal in the firepower department.

It seems most of you follow the progressively aggressive model.