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Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:39 pm
by JeffStrom
Polokid69 wrote:and that's the point, they get credit and blame unfairly because it's the legislative branch that makes the laws
And that whole legislative process is flawed by design. Create a bill that funds healthcare for the children of homeless single mother veterans and then tack on things like giving illegal immigrants the vote and free firearms for those making less than 200% of the poverty line and then point fingers at each other for hating the kids. Then go to the omnibus spending bill and there are closed door handshake agreements to support each others useless pork projects, and then the President signs it because it also contains his pet provision. It is just broken.


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:27 pm
by LonestarCBR
Yep, every single bill should pass individually on it's own merit. Can we get rid of PACs while we're at it? And set some term limits, maybe a 6-10 year term, one or two term limit, so we're not spending 1/2 the time trying to get re-elected. And set a "minimum" pay for congress, then give incentives for attendance, voting in general, and maybe even for keeping your campaign promises.


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:30 pm
by JTChiTown
I don't think The Right is anymore or any less to blame for our predicament than The Left.

HRC broke the law. And now it is reveled that she lied about it. Trump may be a clown, but wow, lying to Congress about breaking the law?

The minute you look past that fact, you're giving the Government free reign to do whatever they want. Might as well elect a queen and go down to the Party Office to report for your daily assignment.

No way I will ever vote or support a politician who is caught breaking the law and lying about.

And yes! Term limits! And no donations, no PACs. No exemptions from laws. No pay.

You want to serve to make this country better? Great, prove it.