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Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:57 pm
by BeautifulDisaster
This doesn't happen a lot, but sometimes when I'm coming to a complete stop I find myself rolling on the throttle a little. No biggie it's just noise, clutch is always squeezed in when it happens. I want to get out of this so it doesn't become a bad habit. I think I'm prone to it when stopping on areas that are downward (downhill isn't accurate because these aren't hills, more like downward tilts). My wrists are usually flat and fingers are doing the squeezing.

Did you ever catch yourself doing that? Tips?

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:30 pm
by LonestarCBR
I'm not sure I ever come to a complete stop.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:36 pm
by BeautifulDisaster
LOL I prefer to stop at stop signs rather than just curtsy. ;)

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:13 pm
by Dragonfly
You are probably putting weight on your hands. Try squeezing the gas tank with your knees every time you go to stop. This will help your core hold you up and take weight off of your hands. You can reach for and squeeze the front brake without rolling the throttle on.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:17 pm
by Rhino
Two causes I've seen in class:

1. You didn't start with a flat wrist.

2. You're reaching forward *through* the throttle to grab the brake and rolling on with your thumb instead of reaching up over the top of the throttle and rolling off completely.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:36 am
by BeautifulDisaster
Excellent advice!! Thanks guys I appreciate your help!! :-D

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:43 am
by fixxervi6
I've only seen this problem with women and children.

I think it may be partially due to smaller hands so you have a tenancy to do what Rhino mentioned, make sure your brake lever is adjusted to a comfortable position.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:56 am
by Rhino
Guys do it too, frequently because they get their wrist up high when they start because they think "roll on" is a big motion.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:56 am
by BeautifulDisaster
I do have a few clicks to play with as far as bringing that brake lever closer too. Thanks again!

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:07 pm
by milesmiles
I keep mine fairly low. Kind of have to roll off to grab it

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:42 pm
by DarcShadow
Are you rollling your wrist as you squeeze? Even if you grab the throttle wrong to start with and you don't fully roll off the throttle you shouldn't be moving your wrist as you squeeze the brake.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:57 pm
by Firewa11
I think the problem that I could tell is she is squeezing her fingers and hand / thumb together... instead of using the inside pocket between her thumb and index finger as a brace and only squeezing the lever with her 4 fingers. When you do that, with anything, it has a tendancy to roll the object in question (throttle). Just takes practice.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:01 pm
by DarcShadow
Two finger breaking would help with that.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:07 pm
by Rhino
DarcShadow wrote:Two finger breaking would help with that.
But then she'd have two broken fingers.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:26 pm
by BeautifulDisaster
It's definitely my thumb hooking because when it's happened my thumb is wedged and I wind up sticking my thumb up to get it off. Flat or upward stops no problem. I'll keep practicing, thanks again for all the help, I'm truly grateful! :icon_peace!:

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:28 pm
by milesmiles
DarcShadow wrote:Two finger breaking would help with that.
i read that as "two finger banging would help with that"

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:10 pm
by BeautifulDisaster
Oh my!! :SideSplittingLaughter:

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:20 am
by LonestarCBR
So far it sounds like you've been doing a good job of not rolling on the throttle when "breaking" stuff, else more would be "broken" on shiny new sickle.

It's been a while since I took an MSF course...are they now teaching "breaking" (which you usually learn how to do well enough on your own) and no longer teach "braking"? The problem here could really be a fundamental flaw in the basic training process, and through no fault of yours. :-)

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:36 am
by Rhino
Breaking is not officially part of the curriculum, but I can confirm that it happens from time to time. Usually to the bikes more than the riders.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:14 am
by BeautifulDisaster
LOL you guys :-D

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:54 am
by Firewa11
One thing we just discussed that might be helpful is when I roll off the throttle and am about to brake, I actually rotate my wrist back so I can't roll on the throttle. I think a lot of us do this subconciously.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:58 am
by LonestarCBR
Firewa11 wrote:One thing we just discussed that might be helpful is when I roll off the throttle and am about to brake, I actually rotate my wrist back so I can't roll on the throttle. I think a lot of us do this subconciously.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:27 pm
by BeautifulDisaster
I took her out and played in traffic a little today and paid closer attention to when I'm braking- it's a shift in weight or angling my bike at a stop to prepare for a right turn. So, lever ticked in at comfy place, squeezing the tank and definitely making sure not squeezing "through the throttle" at play worked. And that yummy wrist adjustment was the cherry on top. Good practice! Weeeee!! :cool:

Thank you!

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:28 pm
by LonestarCBR
In case no one mentioned it, watch out for the a-holes in the big square rolling boxes.

Re: Avoiding rolling on throttle when breaking

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:27 pm
by BeautifulDisaster
Oh yes I've had a few run ins with outstanding members of society already. Women driver's are the worst. Most guys are sweet and a few actually waved me on (though today one jackass in a Lexus pulled up to me wanting to race, asshat, I didn't bite let him be the jerk). Ultimately, I'm being safe and having so much fun!! <3