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Post by CrazyKuban » Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:29 am

Hello fellow FWMR Members.!

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone of you for all the great support, and loyalty that you have brought to our group. 2008 was a year full of changes, events, parties, track days, rides, new additions and some loses, and the casual wreck. Overall is safe to say that we all gained a great amount of knowledge and respect for one another and made our family stronger, keeping our goals and motto of riding fast but safe alive every moment.

Here is a moderate list of all the accomplishments that our club made happened in 2008.

We got a new logo made thanks to Don and his computer skills. Good job man.
With the new logo, we made new t-shirts, new decals, and new banners.
We had our annual camping trip. Thanks Mike for the boat, and every body else that brought stuff to make it happen.
Multiple house parties, and Holiday parties.
FMWR sponsored a Ride Smart X-travaganza event. Thanks to all that help and participated.
We manage to strike a deal with Ride Smart for a free track giveaway to all track days.
Some of the club members went to Indianapolis to participate in the first Motto GP race at the Indianapolis Motor speedway.
We had a few tire raffles.
Bike nights were great, and we even got filmed by a TV Crew for an upcoming show.
We also had great track days, and rides trough out the year.
We had some additions to the staff and member section: 1 new member(Grinner), 6 new Meatballs, 2 new Ride Leaders(Sckego and CrazyKuban), 1 new Ride Leader in Training(Meat of Snail), 2 new Moderators(Blizzard and Firewall), and a new VP/Treasurer (CrazyKuban)
We made a few donations to the Make a Wish Foundation, Fort Worth Chapter.
Finally our fees to run the site were paid and we are good to roll for a while more.

The club dues and donations helped a lot of the list above to be possible, and after all bills were paid, despite the loss of a few members due to relocation, we manage to finish in the black. This money is club funs which will be save and used for club only purposes.

On a personal note: Our club President managed to convince a lovely lady to marry him, and he is now a happy married man. Welcome to the other club. LOL

We also started 2009 in a positive note, adding two new members (Rubber and Onyxdraco) to our club, as well a new Meatball (G-Rex). Congrats to all of you.

Thank you all for reading this far, and I wish the best to all of you in 2009.

Club VP/Treasurer
A brother is a friend given by Nature. Legouve.